In This Sign Conquer – Order Now!




Marching toward an enemy that he wasn’t sure he could defeat, Constantine questioned himself, his army, his military abilities, and even his deities.  Then suddenly something happened that changed his life.  No, something happened that changed the whole history of Western civilization.  He saw a vision in the sky of the Christian cross accompanied by the words, “In this sign conquer.”  Abandoning his pagan gods and accepting the cross of Christ as his battle insignia, he marched into the Battle of Malvian, defeated Maxentius, and took the throne of the Roman Empire.  Since none of us was there in AD 312, we can’t be certain how sincere the new emperor was in his acceptance of the cross as his victory symbol.  However, we must know that there are signs and symbols which God has give to each of us to ensure our victory and success in life.  Join Bible teacher Delron Shirley as he explores this fascinating topic.


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